General Terms and Conditions
General terms and conditions of the online shop are drawn up in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act (ZVPot-UPB2), the Personal Data Protection Act (ZVOP-1), the Electronic Commerce on the Market Act (ZEPT), the Act on the Out-of-Court Settlement of Consumer Disputes (ZIsRPS), the Tax Validation of Invoices Act (ZDavPR), on the basis of recommendations of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GZSG), and the International Codes of Conduct for Electronic Commerce (ICoC).
General terms and conditions address the operation of the online shop, the rights and obligations of the buyer and regulate the business relationship between the seller/operator of the online shop and the buyer.
The customer shall be bound by the general terms and conditions at the time of placing the online order. The customer shall be specifically reminded of the general terms and conditions at the time of placing the order and shall acknowledge his/her familiarity with them by placing the order.
Company data
Company name: |
Headquarters: |
Company's registration number: |
8314969000 |
VAT number: |
SI49645285 |
Telephone number: |
041 453 352 |
E - mail address: | |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO): |
Helena Naveršnik in Martina Vesel |
IBAN number: |
SI56 6100 0002 4005 713 |
Podjetje je vpisano v Poslovni register Slovenije na dan 09.11.2018.
Design features / Definition of terms
Availability of information
The seller undertakes to provide the following information to the customer at all times:
User types
The customer can create an order:
Offer and prices
Bistvene lastnosti blaga so opredeljene pri opisu posameznega artikla.
All prices are expressed in euros and include VAT. The price for the selected items or services shall be valid on the date of purchase, namely the date on which the customer has placed and completed the purchase in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. The online store reserves the right to exclude a specific product from stock and to make it unavailable for delivery, even if it is published on the website.
HEMALUX d.o.o. is /is not subject to value added tax. VAT is levied on the basis of Article 94(1) of the Value Added Tax Act.
Discounts, promotional codes, etc. are not cumulative.
We allow for the possibility of an error in the entry of the technical specifications of the items. Product photographs do not guarantee the characteristics of the products and may be symbolic. We endeavour to provide up-to-date and accurate product photographs but it may happen that a product photograph is incorrect or old. In this case, the seller will allow the buyer to withdraw from the purchase.
Ordering and purchase process
You can order 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
1. Kupec doda artikle v košarico in sledi korakom nakupa.
2. Na spletni strani kupec izbira med izdelki in njihovimi različicami. Ko kupec želeni izdelek najde, klikne na gumb DODAJ V KOŠARICO.
3. Kupec bo lahko pred oddajo naročila preveril pravilnost naročila in vnesenih podatkov vključno s količinami in cenami in bo le-te lahko pred oddajo naročila popravil.
4. Po kliku na gumb POTRDI NAROČILO je naročilo oddano in kupec prejme elektronsko sporočilo o oddaji naročila.
5. Kupoprodajna pogodba med prodajalcem in kupcem je sklenjena v trenutku, ko prodajalec kupcu pošlje prvo elektronsko sporočilo o potrditvi njegovega naročila. Od tega trenutka so vse cene in drugi pogoji fiksirani in veljajo tako za prodajalca kot kupca.
The seller informs the buyer via e-mail about up-to-date information regarding the delivery of the purchase. If the delivery period is very long and the buyer does not want to wait, the buyer can notify the seller, who will remove the item from the order and return any funds already paid to the buyer, while other items from the order will be delivered or canceled.
The seller prepares and dispatches the goods within the agreed time limit and notifies the buyer by email. In the aforementioned e-mail, the seller shall also inform the buyer of the return policy, where to go in case of delay in delivery and where to go in case of a complaint.
Methods of payment
The seller offers the following payment methods:
• Z nakazilom na račun HEMALUX d.o.o. po predračunu (podatke, potrebne za nakazilo, prejmete po elektronski pošti po oddaji naročila) ali
• s plačilnimi oziroma kreditnimi karticami VISA, Master Card ali Diners.
The seller shall reserve the order until payment of the invoice is received or for a maximum of 5 days from the date of order confirmation. Thereafter, the delivery of the goods is no longer guaranteed.
Issuing invoices
After the shipment of the ordered items, the seller sends the customer an invoice with a breakdown of costs, together with the ordered goods.
It is the buyer's responsibility to verify the accuracy of the information before placing an order. We will not consider any objections made afterwards regarding the correctness of the invoices issued.
Product return / termination of the contract
The customer has the right to inform the seller within 14 days of receiving the items that he is withdrawing from the contract, without having to give a reason for his decision. The deadline starts one day after the date of receipt of the package. After this period, the consumer has a further 14-day period to return the undamaged goods to the seller at no additional cost, except for postage.
The customer shall withdraw from the contract by sending an email to the email address:
V primeru odstopa od pogodbe potrošnik na lastne stroške prejeti artikel vrne po pošti na naslov prodajalca: HEMALUX d.o.o., Savska loka 4, 4000 Kranj.
The customer must return the goods to the seller unopened, undamaged, in the same quantity and in the original undamaged packaging, unless the goods have been destroyed or reduced in quantity through no fault of the customer.
Customers can complain about damaged packaging or faulty products, but cannot exchange a product because the smell is not what they expected. The product must be returned to the company's address in its original and undamaged packaging, and the product must also be undamaged and unopened. The customer shall be liable for any diminution in the value of the goods if the diminution is due to handling which is not strictly necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods.
The only cost to the customer of withdrawing from the contract is the cost of returning the goods (which, in the case of shipping, is charged at the delivery service's price). The item must be returned to the seller within 14 days of the date of the cancellation notice (purchase).
The customer does not have the right to withdraw from the contract in the case of a contract relating to an item which has been manufactured according to the customer's precise instructions, which has been tailored to the customer's personal needs, which by its nature is not suitable for return, or an item which has already been used and which, for hygiene reasons, is not suitable for resale.
Refunds of payments made, including delivery charges, will be made as soon as possible and at the latest within 14 days of receipt of the cancellation notice. The company HEMALUX d.o.o. shall return the payments received to the customer by the same means of payment as used by the customer, unless the customer has expressly requested the use of a different means of payment and unless the customer bears no costs as a result.
The withdrawal form is available to the customer:
odstop od pogodbe.docx
If the wrong products are delivered, the customer will return the delivered products and the seller will replace them with the correct ones free of charge. In this case, the seller shall bear the cost of postage. However, the seller shall not bear the cost of returning the advertised products if no fault has been found on the seller's part. The products originally delivered may only be returned unused, undamaged and in the same packaging. They must be properly protected against damage during transport - they must be packed in a rigid box, preferably the one in which you received the products.
Material defect
The customer can exercise his rights under the material defect law if he notifies the seller of the defect within two months of the date on which the defect was discovered. The customer must describe the defect in detail in the notification of the defect and give the seller the opportunity to inspect the item.
The seller is not responsible for material defects in the goods which become apparent after two years have elapsed since the goods were handed over. A defect in the goods shall be deemed to have existed at the time of delivery if it appears within six months of delivery.
A customer who has duly notified the seller of a defect has the right to require the seller to:
• odpravi napako na blagu ali vrne del plačanega zneska v sorazmerju z napako ali
• blago z napako zamenja z novim brezhibnim ali
• vrne plačani znesek.
An error is substantive when:
• artikel nima lastnosti, ki so potrebne za njegovo normalno rabo ali za promet,
• artikel nima lastnosti, ki so potrebne za posebno rabo, za katero jo kupec kupuje, ki pa je bila prodajalcu znana oziroma bi mu morala biti znana,
• artikel nima lastnosti in odlik, ki so bile izrecno ali molče dogovorjene oziroma predpisane,
• je prodajalec izročil artikel, ki se ne ujema z vzorcem ali modelom, razen če je bil vzorec ali model pokazan le zaradi obvestila.
The suitability for normal use of the product shall be examined in relation to normal goods of the same type and in the light of any representations made by the seller or the manufacturer concerning the characteristics of the goods, in particular by means of advertising, the presentation of the product or claims made on the product itself.
The right to claim that an item is defective is governed more specifically by the Consumer Protection Act.
Various discounts and promotions may be available on All discounts are clearly indicated on the product itself. Discounts cannot be converted into cash payments. If you buy an item before the discount, you are not entitled to any further discounts, even if the same products are discounted.
Discount vouchers, discounts and rebates cannot be redeemed on made-to-order products,.
We reserve the right to make errors in the publication of discounts. Discounts are valid for a specified period of time unless otherwise stated and publicly announced. Discounts apply to sale of stock. We reserve the right to discontinue a particular product during the period of the discount and to make it unavailable for production.
Stocks of the full offer on are limited.
Data security
The seller shall use appropriate technological and organisational means to protect the transmission and storage of personal data and payments of the customer. Card data shall not be stored on the seller's server.
Personal data protection
By placing an order under these terms and conditions, the customer expressly declares and gives consent to the seller to process his/her personal data, namely his/her name and surname, address and postal address, e-mail address and telephone number, for the purpose of fulfilling the order of this contract and to protect them in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act. The seller will not disclose the customer's personal data to unauthorised third parties, except to contractual partners, if this is necessary for the execution of the order. The customer cannot revoke the processing of his own personal data for the purposes of the execution of the order under these general terms and conditions.
The seller reserves the right to process the customer's personal data for its own purposes, for statistical sampling, surveys, customisation and segmentation of the offer, for market research, for informing the customer about offers, news and benefits, for targeted advertising and for sending other advertising material (so-called direct marketing of the seller). The seller will not carry out direct marketing if the customer expressly prohibits it when placing an order, otherwise it may carry it out for a maximum period of time until the seller receives the cancellation from the individual or until the data no longer serve the purposes.
Storage of contracts
The contract concluded between the seller and the customer (e-mail order) is permanently stored at HEMALUX d.o.o., Letališka cesta 33, 1000 Ljubljana.
Communication with the user
The seller will contact the customer by means of remote communications only if the customer does not expressly object to this and in accordance with the provisions of the Act on Telecommunications and Communications (ZEKom-1). The advertisement e-mails will contain the following components:
• jasno in nedvoumno bodo označena kot oglasna sporočila,
• pošiljatelj bo jasno razviden,
• različne akcije, promocije in druge tržne tehnike bodo označene kot takšne, jasno pa bodo določeni tudi pogoji udeležbe v njih,
• jasno bo predstavljen način odjave od prejemanja oglasnih sporočil,
• željo uporabnika, da ne želi prejemati oglasnih sporočil, bo ponudnik izrecno spoštoval.
Cookies are small files of information that are temporarily stored on your computer. You are not notified when cookies are placed on your computer. The main purpose of cookies is to allow web servers to recognise your computer and web browser, to personalise the website and to ensure ease and speed. Cookies allow us to show you the correct information that you are looking for and that is of interest to you. By collecting and remembering information about your website preferences through cookies, we can provide you with a better website and marketing experience. Cookies do not give us access to your computer and the information we collect through cookies does not include personal information.
We use the following cookies on this website:
Ime |
Group |
Purpose |
Čas |
Lasten oz. zunanji
session_id |
Essential |
Identification of a single browsing session |
Permanent |
First party cookie |
frontend_lang |
Essential |
Language identification |
Permanent |
First party cookie |
GA |
Essential |
Anonymous counting and tracking of page views |
Permanent |
Google analytics |
Bistvene: Bistveni piškotki so tisti, ki so ključnega pomena za delovanje spletne trgovine . Ti piškotki nam pomagajo razumeti, kako obiskovalci uporabljajo naše spletno mesto, zato da lahko izboljšamo svoje spletne storitve. Zato uporabljamo orodja za analizo prometa na spletnih straneh.
Funkcionalne: Funkcionalni piškotki nam omogočajo, da razumemo želje obiskovalcev in jim omogočimo boljšo uporabniško izkušnjo. Ti piškotki prav tako omogočajo, da se vam spletna stran prikaže, kot ste si jo sami nastavili.
Third-party cookies are not set by the seller, but by the partners we choose to work with. They do not collect or send your personal data. Some of them provide useful services, such as online questionnaires. Others may be set up through the advertising networks we work with so that they can place our online advertisements in the most appropriate place. You may see our advertisements on other websites. This is called remarketing or remarketing.
Most web browsers allow you to set your own cookies. You can refuse or accept cookies using a feature built into web browsers. If you refuse cookies, you can continue to use our website, but certain subpages may not work.
Notification and e-newsletters
By signing up to our e-newsletter, the customer agrees to be kept informed of news and promotions on our website. The seller undertakes not to misuse or disclose the customer's e-mail address to any third party in any way. The customer may unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time.
The seller shall use its best endeavours to ensure that the information published on its website is up-to-date and correct. However, the characteristics of the items, the delivery date or the price may change so quickly that the seller is unable to correct the information on the website. In such a case, the seller will inform the customer of the changes and give the customer the opportunity to withdraw from the order or to exchange the item ordered.
The seller has the option to withdraw from the contract only if a manifest error is detected (Art.46 CC). A manifest defect is defined as a defect in the essential characteristics of the goods and any mistake which, according to the custom of the trade or the intention of the parties, is considered to be decisive and which, if the seller had known of it, he would not have acknowledged or concluded the contract. This includes obvious errors in price.
Although the seller endeavours to provide accurate photographs of the items for sale, all photographs should be taken as symbolic. Photographs do not guarantee the characteristics of the product. The seller reserves the right to change the Terms and Conditions at any time and in any manner, for any reason and without prior notice.
Complaints and disputes
The seller complies with applicable customer protection legislation. The seller shall make every effort to comply with its obligation to establish an effective complaint handling system and to designate a person whom the customer may contact by telephone or e-mail in the event of a problem. A complaint shall be submitted via the following e-mail address The complaint procedure is confidential.
Ponudnik si po svojih najboljših močeh prizadeva, da se morebitni spori rešijo sporazumno.
Out-of-court resolution of customer disputes
In accordance with legal norms, the seller does not recognize any provider of out-of-court settlement of customer disputes as competent for resolving customer disputes that could be initiated by the customer in accordance with the Out-of-Court Settlement of Consumer Disputes Act.
HEMALUX d.o.o., as a provider of goods and services online in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia, publishes on its website an electronic link to the Online Consumer Dispute Resolution Platform (ODRP). The platform is available to customers
These rules are based on the Law on Out-of-Court Settlement of Consumer Disputes, Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council on online dispute resolution for consumer disputes and amending Regulation (EC) No 2016/2004 and Directive 2009/22/EC.
The delivery partner is POŠTA SLOVENIJE, but the seller reserves the right to choose another delivery service if this will enable the order to be fulfilled more efficiently.
The amount of the delivery depends on the payment method and the amount of the purchase. For orders over €50.00, delivery is free of charge.
Any order placed online at will be processed the same day or no later than the next working day after the order is placed. If this is not possible for any reason, we will inform you. Once the order has been confirmed, the package will be dispatched or ready for collection within 3 to 5 working days. If delivery within the delivery time is not possible or would be premature, the seller will inform the customer.
Returning damaged items
If the package is physically damaged, missing contents or shows signs of opening, the customer must initiate a complaint procedure with Pošta Slovenije or another company that carried out the delivery. This is done by taking the package to the nearest post office or delivery service that delivered the package to you in the same condition as you received it and filling in the complaint report. We will work with Pošta Slovenije or the relevant delivery service to ensure that the complaint is resolved as quickly as possible.
Changes to the Terms and Conditions
The seller reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions at any time if it is obliged to do so in accordance with the regulations in force at any time in this area or if it deems it necessary to do so in order to ensure the lawful, safe and better quality operation of the online shop.
The revised general terms and conditions shall be effective from the date of publication on the website and shall apply to the individual customer from the date of placing the order.
The general terms and conditions are valid from 28. 10. 2021.